Senin, 22 Mei 2017

Kim Jong-un threatens to MASS-PRODUCE missiles

Kim Jong-un threatens to MASS-PRODUCE missiles capable of striking US military bases after watching his latest test launch (and even throws some 'gang signs' with his troops!)

  • Dictator said he was ready to 'rapidly mass-produce' new North Korean rocket
  • Kim Jong-un watched Pukguksong-2 reach height of 350 miles on Sunday
  • Pyongyang leader has 'approved deployment of this weapon system for action'
Kim Jong-un has warned he is ready to mass-produce missiles capable of reaching US military bases after North Korea's latest test launch.
The dictator watched on as his Pukguksong-2 missile flew 310 miles and reached a height of 350 miles before plunging into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday.
Kim smiled broadly as the rocket was fired near the county of Pukchang in South Phyongan province and posed for pictures with military officials, even appearing to throw some bizarre gang signs with his hands.
He later hailed the trial as a success, 'approved the deployment of this weapon system for action' and said that it should 'be rapidly mass-produced.'
North Korea launches Pukguksong-2 and Kim Jong-Un hails it a success
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Kim Jong-un has warned he is ready to mass-produce missiles capable of reaching US military bases after North Korea's latest test launch (pictured)
Kim Jong-un has warned he is ready to mass-produce missiles capable of reaching US military bases after North Korea's latest test launch (pictured)
The North Korean leader ordered the launch and watched from an observation post, state media reported Monday. He later posed with some of his military officials and even appeared to throw a gang-sign with his troops
The North Korean leader ordered the launch and watched from an observation post, state media reported Monday. He later posed with some of his military officials and even appeared to throw a gang-sign with his troops
The dictator watched on as his Pukguksong-2 missile flew 310 miles and reached a height of 350 miles before plunging into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday. Kim observed the launch in person and was pictured examining the rocket launcher yesterday (above)
The dictator watched on as his Pukguksong-2 missile flew 310 miles and reached a height of 350 miles before plunging into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday. Kim observed the launch in person and was pictured examining the rocket launcher yesterday (above)
Kim hailed the trial as a success, 'approved the deployment of this weapon system for action' and said that it should 'be rapidly mass-produced'
Kim hailed the trial as a success, 'approved the deployment of this weapon system for action' and said that it should 'be rapidly mass-produced'
US President Donald Trump, travelling in Saudi Arabia, had no immediate public comment.
The North Korean leader ordered the launch and watched from an observation post, state media reported Monday. 
The Korea Central News Agency said the test verified technical aspects of the weapon system and examined its 'adaptability under various battle conditions' before it is deployed to military units.
'Viewing the images of the Earth being sent real-time from the camera mounted on the ballistic missile, Supreme leader Kim Jong Un said it feels grand to look at the Earth from the rocket we launched and the entire world looks so beautiful,' KCNA said. 
North Korea has significantly accelerated its missile tests over the past year or so and appears to be making tangible progress toward developing an arsenal that poses a threat not only to South Korea and Japan - which together host about 80,000 U.S. troops - but also toward an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the mainland United States.
The Korea Central News Agency said the test verified technical aspects of the weapon system and examined its 'adaptability under various battle conditions' before it is deployed to military units
The Korea Central News Agency said the test verified technical aspects of the weapon system and examined its 'adaptability under various battle conditions' before it is deployed to military units
North Korea has significantly accelerated its missile tests over the past year or so and appears to be making tangible progress toward developing an arsenal that poses a threat not only to South Korea and Japan. Pictures show the rocket blasting up more than 300 miles
North Korea has significantly accelerated its missile tests over the past year or so and appears to be making tangible progress toward developing an arsenal that poses a threat not only to South Korea and Japan. Pictures show the rocket blasting up more than 300 miles
Kim Jong-un watched the launch on television monitors which appeared to show satellite imagery 
Kim Jong-un watched the launch on television monitors which appeared to show satellite imagery 
It's moving ahead with its nuclear weapons program as well.
The North conducted two nuclear tests last year. It claims one was a hydrogen bomb and the other device created a more powerful explosion than any the North has previous tested. Satellite imagery suggests it could be ready to conduct its next test - which would be its sixth - at virtually any time.
Pyongyang's often-stated goal is to perfect a nuclear warhead that it can put on a missile capable of hitting Washington or other U.S. cities.
North Korea's media, meanwhile, have stepped up their calls for even more missile launches because of what Pyongyang claims is an increasingly hostile policy by President Donald Trump.
Kim Jong Un supervised the test which also verified the functioning of the solid-fuel engine for the Pukguksong-2 missile and ordered it for deployment in field action
Kim Jong Un supervised the test which also verified the functioning of the solid-fuel engine for the Pukguksong-2 missile and ordered it for deployment in field action
Kim Jong Un supervised the test which also verified the functioning of the solid-fuel engine for the Pukguksong-2 missile and ordered it for deployment in field action
The Pukguksong-2 missile flew about 310 miles before landing in waters off North Korea's east coast, South Korea's military said on Sunday
The Pukguksong-2 missile flew about 310 miles before landing in waters off North Korea's east coast, South Korea's military said on Sunday
The launch verified the reliability and accuracy of the solid-fuel engine's operation and stage separation and the late-stage guidance of the nuclear warhead which was recorded by a device mounted on the warhead, KCNA said
The launch verified the reliability and accuracy of the solid-fuel engine's operation and stage separation and the late-stage guidance of the nuclear warhead which was recorded by a device mounted on the warhead, KCNA said
'The Trump administration would be well advised to lend an ear to the voices of concern that are heard from the U.S. and the international community,' the North's Minju Joson newspaper said in a commentary Sunday. 
'Many more 'Juche weapons' capable of striking the U.S. will be launched from this land. This is the DPRK's answer to the Trump administration.'
'Juche,' in this usage, refers to domestically produced and DPRK is short for the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The rocket was blasted off from a beach in North Korea and Kim Jong-un is said to have watched footage from a camera that was strapped to the missile
The rocket was blasted off from a beach in North Korea and Kim Jong-un is said to have watched footage from a camera that was strapped to the missile
North Korea has defied all calls to rein in its nuclear and missile programmes, even from China, its lone major ally, saying the weapons are needed for legitimate self-defence
North Korea has defied all calls to rein in its nuclear and missile programmes, even from China, its lone major ally, saying the weapons are needed for legitimate self-defence
In an interview with 'Fox News Sunday' U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the ongoing testing is 'disappointing' and 'disturbing.'
South Korea held a National Security Council meeting after the launch, and its Foreign Ministry said the launch 'throws cold water' on efforts to ease tensions on the peninsula.
At the request of diplomats from the U.S., Japan and South Korea, a United Nations' Security Council consultation on the missile test will take place Tuesday.
North Korea a week earlier had successfully tested a new midrange missile - the Hwasong 12 - that it said could carry a heavy nuclear warhead.
Kim Jong-un was joined by smiling military officials as he observed his latest rocket launch today
Kim Jong-un was joined by smiling military officials as he observed his latest rocket launch today
The dictator spoke with officials before the launch and later declared the test was 'successful'
The dictator spoke with officials before the launch and later declared the test was 'successful'
Experts said that rocket flew higher and for a longer time than any other missile previously tested by North Korea
Experts said that rocket flew higher and for a longer time than any other missile previously tested by North Korea
Kim Jong-un waves as military officials cheer during the test launch in North Korea yesterday
Kim Jong-un waves as military officials cheer during the test launch in North Korea yesterday
Solid-fuel missiles have their fuel loaded in them before being moved into place, allowing them to be launched faster and with more secrecy
Solid-fuel missiles have their fuel loaded in them before being moved into place, allowing them to be launched faster and with more secrecy
Experts said that rocket flew higher and for a longer time than any other missile previously tested by North Korea and represents another big advance toward a viable ICBM.
David Wright, an expert on North Korea's missiles and nuclear program who is with the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the latest missile could have flown farther but was fired on a 'lofted' trajectory, which sends the missile high up so that it will land in the open seas rather than flying over or splashing down near neighboring countries.
He noted the Pukguksong-2's solid fuel is of particular concern.
Solid-fuel missiles have their fuel loaded in them before being moved into place, allowing them to be launched faster and with more secrecy. 
Liquid-fuel missiles, on the other hand, are fueled at the launch site in a process that can last an hour and requires fueling and other vehicles. That makes then easier to spot and easier to destroy than the solid-fuel variety

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